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Fri: 09:00 - 17:00

Bondcare Care Homes

Bondcare Care Homes



Willington Care Villages
Grange Care Homes
Bryony Park Nursing Homes

– Savings averaging 12% based against alternate options
– Recovering a mis-allocated deposit in excess of tens of thousands of pounds and further refunds resulting from mis-billing for five years by a gas supplier totalling almost six figures


The Bondcare Group controls some 40 care homes across the UK. Initially, on-site administrators managed each site using a variety of utility intermediaries.

Dr Cost was instructed to review utility bills for their homes and found that deposits sometimes had been paid on account and not returned for several years.

Contracts on one particular site were not notified of their impending contract end by the then incumbent broker and had rolled over to uncompetitive pricing.

Furthermore VAT and CCL certificates had not been submitted correctly and poor utility rates had been agreed on some gas contracts.


Dr Cost monitored the contract end dates and ensured the timely termination notice was submitted to give the client an opportunity to tender with no pre-conditions.

On a fully fixed and like for like basis against the then incumbent broker, Dr Cost achieved savings of 12%, or comfortably in the five figure region.

In addition, Dr Cost obtained a refund of a mis-allocated security deposit from British Gas, which had been lost for over two years. A review of previous accounts also led to further significant rebates for incorrectly billed CCL and VAT charges going back four years.