194 Kensington High St, Kensington London
W8 7RG
– Savings of over £80,000 across portfolio
– Monthly billing summaries and bill validation
– Co-ordinating change of occupancy or site release process

Trailfinders Limited is a high street travel agency group that operates from 80 stores in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. It also manages sports centres and grounds, a restaurant and residential accommodation for staff.
Due to the multi-site nature of the group there are significant utility costs. Its numerous meters which need constant monitoring to ensure billing is accurate and accounted for. As an expanding business Trailfinders takes on new sites periodically and new utility supply agreements need to be implemented, often quickly.
Dr Cost controls this area so that Trailfinders can focus on serving their customers, providing them with a happy and memorable travel experience.
The utilities picture, incorporating electric, gas and water has been controlled by Dr Cost since 2015 leading to greater efficiency. We have delivered savings in excess of £80,000 over alternative options and work to a transparent supplier pricing and fee structure.
Dr Cost provides full monthly reporting including meter read consolidation and multiple site moves which involves significant time processing and dealing with suppliers. Complex queries especially involving water for a sports ground means that innovative solutions are delivered.
As a large company we have also helped the group with CRC and ESOS compliance.
Our Client Says
Dr Cost has offered an unparreled service in pricing and full billing support.
Mark West, Property Director